Well time definitely flies, doesn't it!! Price is now almost nine months old and of course he is still such a joy. His latest and greatest accomplishment is crawling. He took his first few crawls on August 28! He has already found everything I do not want him to play with...any cords and outlets, dirty shoes, cell phones and the computer. His favorite is the remote control. I think from an early age we are all attracted to things we are not supposed to have!
He still smiles and laughs all the time. He is famous at his school! All the teachers and staff know him because he is the "happy baby boy." I sure do hope he keeps this joyful demeanor (especially though the teenage years).
We have ventured into feeding him "real" people food. So far he seems to be like his Dad, loves meat and carbs. Luckily he will still eat the fruits and vegetables as well.