Price had his 9 month doctor's appointment today and continues to be a growing boy.
29.5 inches 23 lbs 11 oz
As I stated earlier he is now crawling and is into everything. I have included some pictures of his latest and greatest tricks...pulling up on anything! Wes and I finally lowered his mattress to the lowest level after we found him standing up in his crib. Stay tuned for what he accomplishes next!
Well time definitely flies, doesn't it!! Price is now almost nine months old and of course he is still such a joy. His latest and greatest accomplishment is crawling. He took his first few crawls on August 28! He has already found everything I do not want him to play with...any cords and outlets, dirty shoes, cell phones and the computer. His favorite is the remote control. I think from an early age we are all attracted to things we are not supposed to have!
He still smiles and laughs all the time. He is famous at his school! All the teachers and staff know him because he is the "happy baby boy." I sure do hope he keeps this joyful demeanor (especially though the teenage years).
We have ventured into feeding him "real" people food. So far he seems to be like his Dad, loves meat and carbs. Luckily he will still eat the fruits and vegetables as well.
Price had his 6 month appointment this week and his doctor continues to say, "One day he will get a neck." It is safe to say Price is a healthy, growing boy. He now weighs 21 lbs 5 oz and he is 27 3/4 inches long, keeping him in the 95% of boys his age. He received four more shots, but he takes those like a champ. I guess he has enough cushion that it doesn't hurt too much!! He is getting more and more active, rolling from stomach to back and back to stomach. I need to cherish the short amount of time I have left before I am chasing him around the house. I am sure that is when the real fun begins.
My new favorite music....Price's laughter. I could listen to him laugh all day long. This is one of my favorite videos thus far. Price is so expressive and ticklish! Enjoy.
Over the Memorial Day weekend we visited the family in Memphis. AJ and Frank were so kind to host! Price took his first dip in the pool. After he got comfortable in the water he laid back in his float like he was born to relax.
If I was a better blogger I would not have to play catch up, but so is the life of a working mother. So to catch everyone up, Price is now over four months old and he is SO MUCH FUN! He is constantly laughing, smiling and cooing. Wes and I think he is the happiest baby (we are biased of course). At his four month doctor's apt he was 26.5 inches long and weighed 17 lbs 2 ounces keeping him in the 95% of boys his age. Needless to say, he is growing quickly and obviously loves to eat. We have now started feeding him some yummy baby food. Price has eaten green beans, sweet potatoes, squash and pears. We started with the veggies knowing at some point he will refuse those (as we all probably did). Price is learning how to eat from a spoon and is doing a good job; however, he makes a mess!!
Price has also become a pro at rolling from his back to his stomach. He even sleeps on his stomach now...until about 3:00 am when he is frustrated that he cannot turn back over, so like a turtle, Wes and I roll him over.
It only takes one sweet smile from Price to be reminded what a blessing we have received. He truly is joy that will melt your heart. We love seeing him change and grow daily and are constantly amazed at his "new tricks." I will keep you updated on any new developments (or at least I will try...remember working mother=busy, busy, busy).
Last weekend Price was dedicated at our church here in Birmingham. It was such a special day that we were fortunate to share with family and friends. A big thanks to those who traveled and participated in making that day so memorable.
I think Price got accustomed to being spoiled while all our family was in town because he did not sleep well for several nights. Wes and I started to think he was waking up in the middle of the night because he was congested from a cold. After several phone calls to the doctor I decided to take him in. After the doctor checked his vital signs he gave me the diagnosis....he loves his mommy! It appears in the past month Price has gotten smarter and now recognizes patterns. He knows how much to cry so we put a pacifier in him mouth and he knows how loud to cry/scream so we pick him up or even feed him. Needless to say, I got my first $25 prescription for parenting 101..."Let him cry."
New tricks include lots of smiles and laughter (as you can see by the video post). He is also flirting with the task of rolling over. He turns so that his hips are in the air, but he has not figured out how to complete the roll. We will keep you updated!
To catch you up to speed, at Price's last Doctor's appointment (8.5 weeks old) he weiged 14 lbs and was 25.5 inches long putting him in the 97 percentile. We might have a linebacker on our hands instead of a quarterback!! Needless to say, he is eating well.
Another big milestone was accomplished at exactly 10 weeks (drum roll please), he slept through the night!! We put him down at 10:30 pm and he did not wake up until 6:30 am. Since then he has consistently slept until at least 5:00 am. It is amazing how 5 am is warmly embraced after 10 weeks of interrupted sleep.
Price is such a joy and he is a happy baby. He smiles often and even has a few chuckles outloud.
Take a look at some of Price's one month photos. He is adorable!! To view all of them, please visit You can view them under slideshows and client proofing. Enjoy!
I saw the best Christmas card at Reba's house this weekend. The parents of a newborn sent a card dressed in their pj's which said, "Still waiting for a silent night." How appropriate!!
Like every new parent I am looking forward to the nights when I can say silent night...however I am not wishing the days and weeks away. We are officially into week three of following "Baby Wise." For those who are not familiar with Baby Wise, the subtitle says is all "Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep." In my opinion this book would be a best seller with the title "Giving PARENTS the Gift of Nighttime Sleep." Let's face it...selfishly we all cherish our sleep!! The book helps to establish a schedule of feeding, play time, and sleep so that your child learns to sleep through the night quickly. Can I get an Amen!!
Happy New Year!! I am behind on my blogging responsibilities...but then again I do live with a newborn that occupies just a little of my time!! Wanted to update everyone on Price's first Christmas. We made the trek to Dyersburg to visit with the grandparents and some of the many aunts and uncles. We all had a fabulous time eating lots of great food and visiting with family and friends. I am convinced that Price was sufficiently spoiled. Between the 10 family members he only slept in some one's arms during the day. Thanks to all my lovely family who helped to make his first Christmas so special.
The fun continued when Grammy came to visit us in Birmingham. Wes and I took advantage of the extra help and went on a long as you consider lunch and running errands a date!! As for New Year's Eve, you know you are a new parent when you are in bed by 9:30 pm and the first person you wish a Happy New Year to is your newborn during his 12:00 am feeding!
New Year's Day we traveled to Atlanta to see some of Wes's family. It was the first time Uncle Stephen and Grandaddy (Elliott) was able to hold Price since he was in the NICU when they were at the hospital. The spoiling continued with Mimi (Reba) holding Price the entire time. It is good to know Price is loved by many!!
During the holidays Price also had his second Doctor's appointment. When he was 17 days old he weighed 10 lbs and was 21 3/4 inches. He is growing so quickly and has now outgrown his newborn clothes.